Raphael A. Finkel
Computer Science Department
230 Hardymon Building (office) (859) 257-3885
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0046
raphael_@cs.uky.edu (without the underscore).
Office hours (Fall 2018) M 1200-1330, Th 1000-1130 (Office)
Spouse: Beth Goldstein (859) 257-2705
On-line papers and books
- The Jargon File (reportage by Chris
- An Implementation of Service Rebalancing, 7/91
- Service Rebalancing, 3/93
- A comparison of some parallel game-tree search
algorithms, 9/92
- A reservation-based CSMA protocol for integrated
manufacturing networks, 10/92
- The Viva File System, 1/93
- An operating systems Vade Mecum, second edition,
- A quick course in operating systems
Designing a process migration facility: The Charlotte Experience, 1989
- QDDB: An ASCII Database for Fast Queries of
Relatively Stable Data, 9/90
- Extending The Dimensions of Consistency:
Spatial Consistency and Sequential Segments, 4/94
- Schema and Tuple Trees:
An Intuitive Structure for Representing Relational Data, 4/95
- Advanced Programming Language Design (Addison-Wesley, 12/95)
The SUDA project: Collaborative Web-based Translation
Puzzles Galore Volume I (Sudoku and other puzzles)
- Principal parts
and morphological typology
- Morphological Typology: From
Word to Paradigm
Available software I have written
Other interesting things