2 DMCS Group| Journal Publications
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Selected List of Publications of Dr. D. Manivannan in Refereed Journals

First, the ranking (based on CiteScore and impact factor) summary of a selected list of peer reviewed Journals in which my diverse research group has published. Papers published in all of the following journals were published while at University of Kentucky!!

  1. Journal of the ACM : This journal, considered to be one of the most prestigious journals covering all major areas in computer science, became known over the years as the "Flagship Publication" of the Association for Computing Machinery, "the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society". CiteScore the journal: 22.3; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.5.
  2. Information Sciences, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks 12th in the list of Top 20 publications in Engineering & Computer Science (general), according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 14; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 8.1.
  3. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks ninth in the list of Top 20 publications in Computer Networks and Wireless Communication, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the journal: 21.5; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 7.7.
  4. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, published by IEEE Computer Society: This Journal ranks tenth in the list of Top 20 publications in Computer Networks and Wireless Communication and it is The Top journal in Mobile Computing, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal:13.9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 7.1.
  5. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, published by IEEE Vehicular Society: This Journal ranks second in the list of Top 20 publications in Computer Networks and Wireless Communication, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 13.6; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.8.
  6. Future Generation Computer Systems, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks second in the list of Top 20 Publications in Computing Systems, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 19.9; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.2.
  7. Internet of Things, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks second in the list of Top 20 publications in Internet of Things, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  8. Vehicular Communications journal, published by Elsevier : This journal ranks fourth in Transportation Science & Technology publications. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.7; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.8.
  9. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, published by IEEE Computer Society: This journal ranks sixth in the area of Computing Systems and is The Top journal in Parallel and distributed systems according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.3.
  10. Computer Networks, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks eleventh in the list of Top 20 publications in Computer Networks and Wireless Communication, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.8; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.4.
  11. Ad Hoc Networks, published by Elsevier : It is the Top Journal in the area of Ad Hoc Networks according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.2 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.4.
  12. IEEE Access, published by IEEE : This is The Top journal in Engineering & Computer Science (general), with h5-index 233; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 3.4
  13. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks second in the list of Top 20 Publications in Parallel and Distributed Computing, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.3 ; Scopus Impact Score of the Journal: 3.4.
  14. IEEE Transactions on Computers, published by IEEE Computer Society: This journal ranks eighth in the list of Journals in Computer Hardware Design, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 6.9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 3.19.
  15. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, published by Elsevier : This Journal ranks fifth in the list of Top Publications in Mobile Computing , according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 7.7 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 3.0.
  16. Wireless Personal Communications journal, published by Springer: This Journal ranks fourth in the list of Top 20 Publications in Wireless Communications, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 3.1 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.63.
  17. Performance Evaluation, published by Elsevier : It ranks third in Performance Evaluation journals, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: 3 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.2.
  18. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, published by Emerald Publishing. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.6
  19. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, published by Taylor and Francis: This Journal ranks fourth in the list of Top Publications in Parallel and Distributed Systems, according to Google Scholar. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.5

Now to the List of Selected Publications in the above Journals in Descending order of the CiteScore/Scopus Impact factor of the Journals.

  1. D. N. Jayasimha, L. Schwiebert, D. Manivannan and J. A. May. "A Foundation for Designing Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithms in Wormhole Networks". Journal of the ACM, the "Flagship Journal" of ACM. CiteScore of the journal: 22.3; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.5.
  2. D. Manivannan, Q. Jiang, J. Yang and M. Singhal. "A Quasi-Synchronous Checkpointing Algorithm that Prevents Contention for Stable Storage". Information Sciences journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 14; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 8.1.
  3. Jiang Wu, D. Manivannan and Bhavani Thuraisingham. "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Transaction-Consistent Global Checkpoints in a Distributed Database System". Information Sciences journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 13.4; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 8.1.
  4. D. Manivannan. "Recent Endeavors in Machine learning-powered Intrusion Detection Systems for the Internet of Things". Journal of Network and Computer Applications (33 pages). Volume 229, September 2024, 103925, Elsevier. This article can be accessed here freely until August 14, 2024. CiteScore of the journal: 21.5; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 7.7.
  5. J. Yang and D. Manivannan. "An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Distributed Channel Allocation Algorithm for Cellular Networks". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE. CiteScore of the Journal:13.9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 7.1.
  6. Jianchang Yang, Qiangfeng Jiang and D. Manivannan. "A Fault-Tolerant Channel Allocation Algorithm for Cellular Networks with Mobile Base Stations". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE. CiteScore of the Journal: 13.6; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.8.
  7. Yi Luo and D. Manivannan. ``HOPE: A Hybrid Optimistic Checkpointing and Selective Pessimistic Message Logging Protocol for Large Scale Distributed Systems'', Future Generation Computer Systems journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 19.9; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.2.
  8. Ayesha S.Dina A.B.Siddique and D.Manivannan. "A Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Things using Focal Loss Function" Internet of Things journal (16 pages). This paper received the Editor's choice award of the journal for its high impact in the community . CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  9. Shafika Showkat Moni and D. Manivannan. ``A Scalable and Distributed Architecture for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Authentication and Message Dissemination in VANETs''. Internet of Things (21 pages) journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  10. Ayesha S. Dina and D. Manivannan "Intrusion Detection based on Machine Learning Techniques in Computer Networks". Internet of Things (18 pages) journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  11. Hassan Mistareehi, Tariqul Islam and D. Manivannan. "A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud". Internet of Things journal (18 pages), Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  12. Shafika Showkat Moni and D. Manivannan."CREASE: Certificateless and REused-pseudonym based Authentication Scheme for Enabling security and privacy in VANETs" . Internet of Things journal (20 pages), Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.1; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 6.0.
  13. D. Manivannan, Shafika Showkat Moni and Sherali Zeadally. ``Secure Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc ETworks (VANETs)'', Vehicular Communications journal, Elsevier. This article has been downloaded more than 10,000 times between 2019-2021 and this article has been linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, helping to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. This is one of the most cited and most downloaded article among the articles published in the past 3 years (2020-2023) in this journal CiteScore of the Journal: 12.4; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.8.
  14. Kiho Lim and D. Manivannan. "An Efficient Scheme for Authenticated and Secure Message Delivery in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks". Vehicular Communications Journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 12.7; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.8.
  15. D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Detection of Knots and Cycles in a Distributed Graph". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE. This algorithm is also nicely presented in the book on Distributed Algorithms for Message-Passing Systems by Michel Raynal, an internationally renowned researcher in distributed systems. CiteScore of the Journal: 9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.3.
  16. D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "Quasi-Synchronous Checkpointing: Models, Characterization, and Classification". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE. CiteScore of the Journal: 9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.3.
  17. D. Manivannan, R. H. B. Netzer and M. Singhal. "Finding Consistent Global Checkpoints in a Distributed Computation". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE. This algorithm is also presented in the book on Distributed Computing. CiteScore of the Journal: 9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 5.3.
  18. James Bernsen and D. Manivannan. ``RIVER: A Reliable Inter-Vehicular Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks''. Computer Networks journal, Elsevier. One of the top 25 hottest articles of the journal(October to December 2012) CiteScore of the Journal: 10.8; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.4.
  19. K. E. Persson, D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "Bluetooth Scatternet Formation: Criteria, Models and Classification". Ad Hoc Networks journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.2 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.4.
  20. Qiangfeng Jiang and D. Manivannan. "Triangle-based Routing for Mobile ad hoc Networks". Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 8 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.3.
  21. James Bernsen and D. Manivannan. "Unicast Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Critical Comparison and Classification". Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal, Elsevier. (Continuously appeared in the list of top 25 hottest articles of the journal from October 2008 to December 2012) and One of the most cited articles of the journal CiteScore of the Journal: 8 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 4.3.
  22. Ayesha S. Dina, A. B. Siddique and D. Manivannan. "Effect of Balancing Data Using Synthetic Data on the Performance of Machine Learning Classifiers for Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks" IEEE Access journal, IEEE. Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 3.9
  23. D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "Asynchronous Recovery Without using Vector Timestamps". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier. This article ranked number 2 in the list of Top 10 most downloaded articles from Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (January to August 2003) . This is also presented in the book on Distributed Computing, by Mukesh Singhal and Ajay Kshemkalyani, as well as the book on Distributed Algorithms for Message-Passing Systems by Michel Raynal, internationally renowned researchers in distributed systems. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.3 ; Scopus Impact Score of the Journal: 3.4.
  24. Qiangfeng Jiang, Yi Luo and D. Manivannan. "An Optimistic Checkpointing and Message Logging Approach for Consistent Global Checkpoint Collection in Distributed Systems". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.3 ; Scopus Impact Score of the Journal: 3.4.
  25. Yi Luo and D. Manivannan. "FINE: A Fully Informed aNd Efficient Communication-Induced Checkpointing Protocol for Distributed Systems". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 10.3 ; Scopus Impact Score of the Journal: 3.4.
  26. J. Yang, Q. Jiang, D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Channel Allocation Scheme for Cellular Networks". IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE. CiteScore of the Journal: 6.9 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 3.19.
  27. Qiangfeng Jiang, R. A. Finkel, D. Manivannan and M. Singhal. "RPSF: A Routing Protocol with Selective Forwarding for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks". Wireless Personal Communications journal, Springer Verlag. CiteScore of the Journal: 3.1 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.63.
  28. Jianchang Yang and D. Manivannan. "Performance Comparison of Two Channel Allocation Strategies in Cellular Networks". Wireless Personal Communications journal, Springer Verlag. CiteScore of the Journal: 3.1 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.63.
  29. Baban A. Mahmood and D. Manivannan. "Position Based and Hybrid Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey". Wireless Personal Communications Journal, Springer Verlag. CiteScore of the Journal: 3.1 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.63.
  30. Yi Luo and D. Manivannan. "Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Communication-Induced Checkpointing Protocols in F_E and F_Lazy_E Families". Performance Evaluation Journal, Elsevier. CiteScore of the Journal: 3 ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 2.2.
  31. Baban A. Mahmood and D. Manivannan. ``Hybrid On-demand Greedy Routing Protocol with Backtracking for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks''. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Emerald Publishing. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.6
  32. Karl Persson and D. Manivannan. "A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Formation Protocol for Bluetooth Scatternets". International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, A featured paper of the journal, Emerald Publishing. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.6
  33. Jiang Wu and D. Manivannan. "An Enhanced Model-based Checkpointing Protocol". International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor and Francis. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.5
  34. Jiang Wu and D. Manivannan. "A Fully-informed Model-based Checkpointing Protocol for Preventing Useless Checkpoints". International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor and Francis. CiteScore of the Journal: ; Scopus Impact Factor of the Journal: 1.5

List of all my publications can be found here

Some of the above mentioned works were supported in part by grants from the US National Science Foundation and/or the US Department of Treasury. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the Department of Treasury.