The Admiral's Bombast

Source: Written in 2006 by Judy Goldsmith, Hazel Jodocks, and Andy Klapper (Squash Beetle Morris).

Tune:  as A(BA)4 (A=once to yourself and chorus, B=figures).

Tradition: Lexington-in-the-Bluegrass.

Formation: A set of 4, hankies, long dance.

Sequence: Once to Yourself, Up and out, Chorus, F-Gyp, Chorus, E-Gyp, Chorus, Pop-Tarts, Chorus.

Chorus: A square bombast using 2ds, 2pb, ftj, and repeat. The 2pb, ftj are backing up. The pattern is that everyone moves counterclockwise around the square. When you are at position 1 or 4 you get to the next place (3 or 2) by dancing directly to that position. When you are at position 2 or 3, you get to the next position by dancing into the center, pass by the right with your diagonal opposite, then dance out to the next position. Thus number 1 does: 1 ds to reach #3, 1 ds into the center, turn a quarter turn to the left, and 2pb (backing up) ftj to position #4. Then 1 ds to reach #2, 1 ds into the center, turn a quarter turn to the left, and 2pb ftj to position #1. Number 4 does the same with the two halves switched. Number 2 does 1 ds into the center, turn to the right and do 1 ds to #1, turn a quarter turn right to face up the side of the set and 2pb (backing up) ftj to position #3. Then do 1 ds into the center, turn to the right and do 1 ds to #4, turn a quarter turn right to face down the side of the set and 2pb (backing up) ftj to position #3. Number 3 does the same as number 2 with the two halves switched. Note: if it's done right, numbers 1 and 4 should feel like they are going to crash into 2 and 3 on the second double step. But 2 and 3 are unaware (they have their backs to the center) and get out of the way just in time.
Tag: the chorus ends with a tag: facing your opposite, do a two handed show (hankies up the middle above the head, then down and out to the sides), ftj. During the tag all sing "And now he is the ruler of the queen's navy". The first tag is done at the end of the once to yourself, and is done facing up.

Ending: On the last tag, do the shows facing up and replace ftj by 2 plain capers.

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