
Source: Written in 2006 by Andy Klapper (Squash Beetle Morris). 

Tune:  as A(AB)4 (A=figures, B=chorus). (abc pdf)

Formation: A set of 4.

Sequence: Once to Yourself, Up and out, Chorus, F-Gyp, Chorus, E-Gyp, Chorus, Pop-Tarts, Chorus.

Chorus: each chorus has a different caper. Capers are: salutes; pit capers; beetle squashers; x-capers.
Each half of the chorus has 4 capers, 2ds, 2pb, ftj.
Middles bulge to a circle to end each figure.
Pattern is: #1 caper; #4 caper; #5 caper; #2,3,6 caper;
#1,4,5 do ftj as #2,3,6 finish their caper;
first ds: #1 to #4, #4 to #5, #5 to #1, #2,3,6 in place; (#6 passes inside #3)
secnd ds: #2 to #6, #6 to #3, #3 to #2, #1,4,5 in place; (#2 passes inside #4)
all do 2pb backing up across the set by the right, ftj.
Repeat, by places not faces.

Ending: Replace the last ftj by 2 pit capers to face up.

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