Goldsmith's Papers

Judy Goldsmith's Recent Research Papers

Note: this is pretty much everything since 1996. That was an arbitrary cut-off. Papers are ordered in reverse chronological order (of when they were written) within each section.

The Welfare to Work Project

Alex Dekhtyar, Raphael Finkel, Judy Goldsmith, Beth Goldstein, Joan Mazur,
Adaptive decision support for planning under hard and soft constraints,
Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium on Decision Support in a Changing World, 2005.


Derek Williams, Kyle Bailey, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Beth Goldstein, Raphael Finkel, Joan Mazur,
Interactive Preferences and Decision-Theoretic Planning
Proc. IJCAI '05 Workshop on Preference Handling 2005

Judy Goldsmith, Jerome Lang, Mirek Truszczynski, Nic Wilson,
The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets
Proc. IJCAI '05

The Bayesian Advisor Project James Royalty, Robert Holland, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
POET, The Online Preference Elicitation Tool.
AAAI Workshop on Preferences in AI and CP: Symbolic Approaches, August, 2002.

Jiangyu Li, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
Efficiently Eliciting Many Probabilities Online. Postscript or PDF.

Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
The Bayesian Advisor Project (2002).

Semistructured Probabilistic Databases

Wenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
A Framework for Management of Semistructured Proabilistic Data.
Accepted to Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.
A full verion is available as UK Computer Science Tech Report 385-03, PS or PDF

Wenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
Databases for Interval Probabilities,
International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS). Vol 19, p 1-27, 2004. A full verion is available as UK Computer Science Tech Report 386-03, PS or PDF

Judy Goldsmith, Wenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar,
Query Algebra Operations for Interval Probabilities Postscript, or PDF
Proc. DEXA '03 May, 2003.

Judy Goldsmith, Wenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar,
Can Probabilistic Databases Help Elect Qualified Officials? PDF
Proc. FLAIRS '03 May, 2003.

Wenzhong Zhao, Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith,
Representing Probabilistic Information in XML. University of Kentucky Department of Computer Science Tech. Report 770-03 April, 2003.

Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Conditionalization on Probability Intervals.
Proc. Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference, May, 2002.

Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, Sean Hawkes,
Semistructured Probabilistic Databases.
Proc. Conference on Scientific and Statistical Databases, 2001.

Complexity of MDP, POMDP, Bayesian Network and Preference Problems

Judy Goldsmith, Jerome Lang, Mirek Truszczynski, and Nic Wilson,
``The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets,"
to appear, Proc. 21st International Joint Conference on AI, 2005.

Judy Goldsmith, Preferences and Domination,
in Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, 2005.

Alex Dekhtyar, Judy Goldsmith, and Jan Pearce,
When plans distinguish Bayes nets,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS)
Vol 11, Suppl, pp. 1-24, November 2003.

Christopher Lusena, Martin Mundhenk, and Judy Goldsmith,
Nonapproximability results for partially observable Markov decision processes,
Journal of AI Research 14, 83--103, 2001.

 Martin Mundhenk, Judy Goldsmith, Christopher Lusena, and Eric Allender,
Complexity of Finite-Horizon Markov Decision Process Problems
Journal of the ACM, 2000.

Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan,
The Complexity of Model Aggregation,
Proc. AI and Planning Systems, April, 2000.

 Judy Goldsmith and Martin Mundhenk,
Complexity issues in Markov decision processes
Proc. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 1998.

 Martin Mundhenk, Judy Goldsmith, and Eric Allender,
The complexity of unobservable finite-horizon Markov decision processes,
UK CS Department Technical Report 269-96.
More recent version. A shorter version appeared in the Proc. MFCS '97.

 Judy Goldsmith, Michael L. Littman, and Martin Mundhenk,
The complexity of plan existence and evaluation in probabilistic domains.
Appeared in the proceedings of Uncertainty in AI '97.
TR and conference versions can also be found here. Journal version in Journal of AI Research, 1998.

 Judy Goldsmith, Christopher Lusena, and Martin Mundhenk,
The complexity of deterministically observable finite-horizon Markov decision processes,
UK CS Department Technical Report 268-96. And then there's a later version

Pure Structural Complexity Theory

Judy Goldsmith, Matthias Hagen,
Martin Mundhenk, Complexity of DNF and Isomorphism of Monotone Formulas, Proc. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS '05) 2005.

Judy Goldsmith, Mitsunori Ogihara, and Joerg Rothe,
Tally NP sets and easy census functions,
Proc. MFCS '98, Spring Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science; journal version in I&C.

Judy Goldsmith, Matthew Levy, and Martin Mundhenk,
Limited Nondeterminism, A survey for the June, 1996 complexity theory news column in SIGACT News.
Here is the Tech Report version, (UK CS Department Technical Report 267-96),
with an appendix on limited nondeterminism in automata theory, and on LogNP and LogSNP.

 Lance Fortnow, Judy Goldsmith, Matthew Levy, and Steve Mahaney,
L-Printable Sets,  in Proc. 1996 IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity.
Journal version in SIAM J. Computation, 1999.

 Stephen Bloch,Jonathan Buss, and Judy Goldsmith,
Sharply Bounded Alternation within P
Theory of Computing Systems 31 (formerly Mathematical System Theory) March, 1998.

Richard Beigel and Judy Goldsmith,
Downward Separation Fails Catastrophically for Limited Nondeterminism Classes,
SIAM J. Computation, 1999. Conference version: Structures '94.

 Judy Goldsmith and Steve Homer,
Scalability and the isomorphism problem, IPL 56, 1996.

Computational Learning Theory

Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan and Bal/'azs Szor/'enyi and and Gyorgy Tur\'an,
``Theory revision with queries: results and problems,''
to appear, Proc. Workshop on Learning with Logics and Logics for Learning, Japan, 2005.

Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan and Bal/'azs Szor/'enyi and and Gyorgy Tur\'an,
New Revision Algorithms, Proc. Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT '04), 2004.

Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan and Bal/'azs Szor/'enyi and and Gyorgy Tur\'an,
``Theory revision with queries: Disjunctive Normal Forms,"
To appear in Machine Learning, May--June 2002.

Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan and Bal/'azs Szor/'enyi and and Gyorgy Tur\'an,
Improved theory revision with queries (extended abstract),
Proc. Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT '00), 2000.

 Judy Goldsmith and Bob Sloan,
More theory revision with queries,
Proc. ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC '00), 2000.

Heuristics for MDPs/POMDPs/BNs

Kiran Bhuma and Judy Goldsmith, Bidirectional LAO*,
Proc. Indian International Conference on AI '03.

Christopher Lusena, Tong Li, Sheila Sittinger, Christopher Wells, and Judy Goldsmith,
My brain is full: when more memory helps,
Proc. Uncertainty in AI '99.

 Christopher Wells, Christopher Lusena, and Judy Goldsmith,
Genetic algorithms for approximating solutions to POMDPs.


Harry Q. Bovik and Judy Q. Goldsmith and Andrew Q. Klapper and Michael Q. Littman,
Markov Indecision Processes. Journal of Machine Learning Gossip

 Judy Goldsmith and Andy Klapper,
Public key cryptography with partial secrecy